Well, after that last post, quite a bit has happened. I think it was later that day that a guy ran me onto the shoulder of the 90 by the 33 because he wasn't paying jack amount of attention. That could have been bad, since going 70 usually hurts when you kiss a Jersey Barrier. But, I got by the little fucker, and promptly flipped him off and told him to go smoke another. Yes, he was acting like he was high and the fact that he moved over on me without looking or turning on a blinker just makes me feel he was stoned a little more. God, I hate driving with people who go to college.
Wednesday, though, I ended up in a major accident. That bridge ramp from UB to the 990 is dangerous at any time, but Wednesday it was covered in a layer of ice. This is what happened as far as I can remember:
The guy 3 cars infront of me didn't like the fact that the person behind him was following so close. He slammed on his breaks. The person behind him, who was following just a little too close slammed on theirs. The lady infront of me, who had a lot of distance between her and the person infront of her and me behind her, used her breaks, began to slide on the ice, and hit the guard rail. I touched my breaks, began to slide, and slid into the guard rail.
The people behind me were going way too fast. I was going around 20 when I hit the guard rail. Speed limit on the ramp is 30. They must have been going 40. A silver SUV slammed into my car, turning my car 90 degrees. This person was followed by a green van, who slammed into my car and spun me the other 90 degrees, so I was facing the opposite way I was originally going. After that, I don't remember much. I think a 3rd car hit me, but again, I can't remember. The fire department had to come and cut me out of my car, the car was that bent in. I was taken to the hospital. The police woman came and took a statement. She started by saying "You were in the 9 car accident, right?"
I was like um... no, I was in the 6 car. She sighed and said "Dear, that was a 9 car", to which I broke out in tears again. I escaped with bruises only (as far as we know right now), but my car is gone.
What a wonderful past 2 weeks. I went through a tree last week during the wind storm here. Just the top part with the branches, but it still scared me shitless. So did this. Hopefully everything will be ok.
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