Well, I have been brewing on this, and today it came to a very interesting conclusion.
It is "Coming Out Week" at UB. Basically about gay, bi, trans-gender rights and freedoms. Today there was a drag show, as is usual for UB this time of year. The interesting part was not the show, since I didn't go (I couldn't care less about what happens at UB, since I hate this school), but the interesting part was the bible thumping preachers with the police around them on the spine. Located in between the Commons and Knox, in the courtyard between Baldy and O'Brian Halls, these 2 (a male and female holding signs about how the love of Jesus Christ turned gays straight), screaming their preaching, while other lashed out at their closed minds and stupidity, university police standing to the side just incase.
So why such strong feelings?
Let me clear the air first. I am a raised Roman Catholic, went to sunday school, confirmed, then decided "Fuck the church". It never held any of the answers and I found it boring. Nothing that was ever preached ever meant anything. I just did the song and dance cause my parents wanted me to. As of right now, I am an undecided, though I think every religion has it's good points.
Most of them are wrong.
I am not a gay hater, though most people seem to be. I figure, what ever makes everyone happy. The love of my life is bi. Just ads flavor. I do, though, think that they should be treated like human beings, and not like a disease, which is what most religions attitude toward the whole thing.
What I seriously have an issue with is the fact that people are allowed to protest at all, and even for something this stupid.
Lets face facts; most of the people on the face of this planet are stupid. Not only stupid, but completely moronic. No one has any idea of what they are talking about, but they think they do. They shouldn't have a right to protest, they should have the right to shut the fuck up. Go elsewhere. No one cares about your beliefs. No one cares what you think. You arn't that important. Seriously. No one cares to see you standing there, holding your sighs, waving your bible like you have some message that matters. You know what? It doesn't. You are simply fodder for people like me to stand there and laugh at.
And oh boy, did I laugh.
It's shit like this that makes us take a step back from humanity and wonder what the hell happened? Why can some people be caring, compassionate, AND religious, while there are people like these, who treat other human beings like dirt because they believe, from a book that was just there, that they are worthless.
And this is supposed to be a campus of higher learning.
Kinda like Michael Moore as a distinguished speaker. It just makes me shake my head.
P.S. Love me or hate me. I don't give a fuck. Agree or Disagree, Discuss. Just don't flame or tell me I am wrong.
Cause if you look deep down, there is something here that speaks truth to someone.
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